Our vision and ambitions

Our vision is simple: equal chances for everyone in Devon to lead long, happy and healthy lives.

But there is much to be done to achieve it.

We are committed to improving and our performance for waiting times for non-urgent operations, accident and emergency departments, and for test results designed to help GPs diagnose illnesses.

And we are committed to working together because we know people’s physical and mental health and wellbeing is influenced by more than just the care they get from their local GP or hospital.

Things like where they live, how much money they have, their genetics, how much exercise they do and their environmental all influence someone’s physical and mental health.

The views of local people, the challenges we will face in coming years and our need to improve services all helped shape our vision and the plan to achieve it.

Our ambitions

To deliver our vision, and to rise to these challenges, we are setting out six ambitions for the next five years that will help us transform services and redesign the way we provide care. Everything we do will aim to realise these 6 ambitions:

Ambition 1: Effective and efficient care

Collaborate across the system to address quality (safety, effectiveness, experience) and productivity.

Ambition 2: Integrated Care Model

Systematic delivery of the integrated – or joined up – care across Devon.

Ambition 3: The Devon deal

A citizens-led approach to health and care. We will adopt a new approach to reduce differences in care across the county and will work with communities to identify priorities and tackle the root causes of problems.

Ambition 4: Children and young people

Working together with children, young people and their families. We want all children and young people in Devon to have the best start in life, grow up in loving and supportive families, and be happy, healthy and safe.

Ambition 5: Digital Devon

Invest in a digital Devon: people will only tell their story once, first contact will be digital and more advice and help will be available online. We want to make the most of advances in digital technology to help people stay well, prevent ill-health, and provide care.

Ambition 6: Equally well in Devon

Work together to tackle the physical health inequalities for people with mental illness, learning disabilities and/or autism.