Have your say on your local community equipment service

Torbay and Plymouth City Councils, in partnership with Devon County Council, are reviewing their community equipment and adaptations provisions in order to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the existing service and how it might be improved for the future.

Both Councils are keen to hear from anyone that uses the service, both directly and indirectly, and have created an online survey for people to complete.

The information gained from the survey will help shape the service for the future as well as informing the tender process for a new supplier later in the year.

Please complete the online survey by clicking on one of the links below.


  • If you are a resident user of this service in the Torbay area, please complete the survey here.
  • If you are a medical professional or carer in the Torbay area, please complete the survey here.


  • If you are a resident user of this service in the Plymouth area, please complete the survey here.
  • If you are a medical professional or carer in the Plymouth area, please complete the survey here.